Chrolorm Rorngka Pdo Veasna Sne I created an account just to add my review. Please give this drama a chance. There were no promotions or support from its platform because there are no traffic stars in here, but the story, the cast, and crew were well worth it. This drama easily became my top 3.
Chao Feng and Qing Kui stole my heart in this drama. Because the director isn’t well known to flesh out his characters emotionally, especially when this drama is a comedy and avoids heavy feelings, the actors have to rely on limited scenes to build their chemistry. Chemistry is the most important element in every story. Without tears, it’s hard to feel the true love between the characters. The entire cast was great, but Chen Mu Chi and He Xuan Lin took it to another level with their crying scenes. It’s so hard to find actors/actresses who can cry so beautifully now. I just watched a break up scene in a currently airing drama and the lead actress had absolutely no tears, but people were praising and raving about her amazing acting. I was puzzled on how the director even passed that scene?! A lot of the post 95 female leads can’t compare to their predecessors who can cry fountains on cue. Yes, I treasure tears and ones with emotions, too.
It was extremely refreshing to see Qing Kui cry at all the right moments, making every scene heart gripping. Tears never made her weak; she was smart, strong, and brave yet kind and gentle, genuinely changing Chao Feng from a bad boy to hero, effortlessly. Chao Feng’s close relationship with his mother, the sacrifices he made for his soldiers, saving Qing Kui every time, risking his life and millennia long war with the Void Empress, was nothing but impressive and touching. When Chao Feng’s tears flowed out of his eyes in front of Lamu’s house, to when he was carrying his mother on his back after losing all his powers, to when he married Qing Kui in prison, to when Qing Kui died, if it weren’t for Chen Mu Chi’s tears, those scenes would’ve been passable but not awesomely memorable. I am so proud of my pair for jerking hearts with their beautiful crying scenes. The leading pair were more comedic relief, but my second pair delivered all the emotions and moved the audience beyond with their tears. I’m not sure if that’s how they intended the drama to go, but the story wouldn’t be complete without Chao Feng and Qing Kui. They executed all of the tears, feelings, and chemistry so well. I hope they get to collaborate again, soon.