Mnus Chung Kroy Kue Oun Don’t let that synopsis fool you – About as close as this gets to a female powerhouse is only as long as it takes for the female lead to toss away 8 years of free-will just by landing in Thailand. Because, the writer has abandoned the story they started, going for a well-traveled 18-episode road to the finale.
That opening sequence with the umbrella and note, a unicorn moment. Not even worth mentioning after a certain point. An average drama, that didn’t deliver on most of it’s original promises. That created frustrating characters; villains with no teeth; male lead with no backbone; side characters with no purpose; and family with far to many childish expectations. The story begins to meander from episode thirteen on, and just when you thought it may go full-on mystery reveal, it didn’t. The final stumble, the female lead mom’s secret – Proving the patriarch’s words: women are to emotional, to lead. A final stray thought from a writer who wanted to do everything, and nothing, all at the same time. An average drama, with a frustrating story-line, that forgot it had purpose.